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ECTACO TrademarksListed below are the most recent ECTACO trademarks. The absence of a name or logo in these lists does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that the ECTACO Corporation has established in any of its product, feature, or service names or logos.PartnerAny other unlisted trademarks are registered in the United States and/or other countries. All unregistered trademarks are the sole property of ECTACO Inc. Trademark Rules: 1. The ECTACO trademarks should always be used as adjectives followed by appropriate nouns. Do not use the trademarks as verbs or nouns. Do not hyphenate the trademarks.
4. Never use the ECTACO trademark as possessive.
7. Do not shorten/abbreviate any ECTACO Trademarks
Third parties should never use "ECTACO" as part of their company, product or service name without approval from the ECTACO legal department. ECTACO will not promote companies that do so. In order to recognize that ECTACO claims certain rights in its trademarks, please use to indicate registered trademarks and to indicate unregistered trademarks. These notice symbols should be superscripted after the mentioning of ECTACO products and word marks and should be subscripted after the use of the ECTACO logo. The trademark notice symbols should only be used as trademarks to identify a product offered for sale.
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